
true, maybe?

Wait up, hang on here -- you're telling us a personality profiling conducted on 7,500 people at Apple's biggest tub-thumping event of the year, Macworld, yielded results that would suggest Apple users "are more liberal, less modest, and more assured of their own superiority than the population at large." And this so-called survey says Apple users have high indexes for "low modesty," "high perfectionism," and "high superiority," and low indexes for things like "humility," and "self esteem"? Lies and half truths. We don't know a single Apple user that fits anything remotely similar to that profile. Plus, we hear this poll totally had some hanging chads.



human tetris

TETRIS is the fourth video performance of the GAME OVER Project, directed by the Swiss artist Guillaume REYMOND (NOTsoNOISY creative agency).

Who does not remember TETRIS, one of the very first video games? Players had to pile up rudimentary geometric forms on top of each others, in tune with a little Russian music…

Well, the biggest ever game of human TETRIS has in fact taken place on November 24th 2007, as a pre-view of the festival "Les Urbaines", in Lausanne, Switzerland!

88 extras
4 1/2 hours of shooting
880 pictures

holy crap!